What Does Force Stop Means (My Ultimate Guide, Meaning)

If you have ever wondered what force stop means or what it means to force stop an app, this article mainly answers all those frequently asked questions.

Moreover, I will guide you through this step of four stops and apps and answer your burning questions, such as whether it is safe to force open up or what happens after it.

With all the pros and cons in this article, So without investing anymore, let’s dive in.

What Is Force Stop Meaning?

force stop icon
open, uninstall, forcestop menus from app info

Force-stopping an app on Android or iOS devices entails manually terminating the app’s background processes and preventing it from running until it is manually restarted. The following occurs when you force-stop an app:

  • All background processes of the app are terminated: Apps frequently run background processes even when you are not actively using them. These processes may include services, tasks, or other background activities. Force-stopping an app terminates all of these background processes associated with the app.
  • The app functionality is halted: After force-stopping an app, it will no longer be able to execute any tasks or respond to any user input until it is manually launched again.
  • Data loss risks: Any unsaved data or progress within the app may be lost when you force-stop it. For example, if you were editing a document or composing a message, force-stopping the app would likely lead to the loss of any changes made since the last save.
  • Memory and resource release: Force-stopping can free up the memory and resources used by the app, which may help when the app misbehaves, consumes too much memory, or drains the battery excessively.
  • We are no longer running in the background: After force-stopping, the app will no longer consume system resources in the background, which can help improve overall device performance and battery life.
image of a phone placing on the stand with force stop uninstall app menus
image of realme phone with whatsapp app info force stopping

It is worth noting that force-stopping an app is generally safe but should be used judiciously. While it can help troubleshoot misbehaving apps or conserve resources, some system apps or essential services should be unrestricted, as doing so may cause issues with the device’s functionality.

force stopping an app confirmation

Remember that force-stopping an app is different from uninstalling it. When you force-stop an app, you stop it temporarily, and you can restart it manually. On the other hand, uninstalling an app removes it entirely from your device.

Force Stop is a feature on Android and iOS devices that allows you to stop an app from running in the background.

When you force-stop an app, it stops all the associated background processes, and the app will no longer function until it is manually restarted. This feature can be helpful when an app misbehaves or consumes too many resources.

When Should You Use Force Stop?

Now it’s an exciting question: When should you force stop the app? Here’s the correct answer:

Should you Force Stop An App gif

You should use Force Stop when an app is not working properly and have tried other troubleshooting methods, such as restarting your device or just shifting apps to external storage. Force Stop will stop the app from running and may fix any problems it has. However, it is important to note that Force Stop can cause problems like data loss or app crashes. Therefore, you should only use Force Stop as a last resort.

Here are some specific examples of when you might want to use Force Stop:

image of gmail app info for the force stopping the app
  • An app is constantly crashing or freezing.
  • An app is using a lot of battery power or data.
  • An app is causing your device to overheat.
  • You want to prevent an app from running in the background.

For example, if an app is freezing, crashing, or not responding to user inputs, you can try force-stopping it to see if that resolves the issue.

Additionally, force-stopping can help conserve battery life and improve device performance if an app runs in the background and consumes many resources.

For instance, if you post on Instagram in a single day, you get almost 10 to 15 notifications from Instagram with someone DMS over someone who shares a real video with you.

So when you receive notifications from Instagram, it consumes battery and cellular data in the background, which increases the load on your smartphone’s RAM and processor.

How to Force Stop an App on Android/iOS Devices

Below, I am sharing a step-by-step guide that will guide you through the process of forced stopping and application on Android and iOS devices. I will also include all the necessary screenshots so it will guide you better.

1. Open Mobile Settings.

Smartphone Settings icon highlighted with yellow and teal color

2. Tap on Apps.

Apps tab highlighted with the red arrow in the Android mobile settings

3. Select an app to force stop.

select any app from the app list from mobile settings

4. Scroll Down and hit force-stop.

force stopping an app highlighted

5. Confirm the action and Done.

confirmation while force stopping app

So this is the procedure to post a force stop app on any Android smartphone.

What Happens When You Force Stop an App?

When you force-stop an app, all its background processes are stopped and closed completely. This means that the app will no longer be able to run until you manually restart it. 

Additionally, any unsaved data or progress within the app may be lost when you force-stop it, so saving your work before using this feature is essential.

when a app is force stopped, how it looks like from app settings

Unsaved data lost means if you are doing something on an app, suppose you are editing and reel on Instagram, or you are writing some text on WhatsApp, and then you stop it, then the text would be deleted, or the reel video that you haven’t saved as the draft would be deleted. 

This is one of the burning questions of all time. Why is force stopping, and is the app safe? What happens after it is everything you need to know.

Is Force Stopping an App Safe?

is it safe to forcestop gif

Yes, force-stopping an app is generally safe, but there are some caveats to remember. First, as mentioned earlier, any unsaved data or progress within the app may be lost when you force-stop it.

Additionally, force-stopping some system apps or essential services may cause issues with your device’s functionality, so it’s important to exercise caution when using this feature.

here are alternatives gif by backdroid

What Are the Alternatives to Force Stop?

If force-stopping an app is not resolving the issue you’re experiencing, you can try a few alternatives.

First, you can clear the app’s cache or data to see if that resolves the issue. Restarting your device or updating the app may help. If none of these solutions works, you may need to uninstall and reinstall the app to resolve the issue entirely.

Can You Undo a Force Stop?

Once you force-stop an app, it cannot be undone. However, you can manually restart the app by reopening it from your app drawer or home screen. Remember that any unsaved data or progress may be lost when you force-stop an app, so saving your work before using this feature is essential.

How to Troubleshoot Apps That Keep Crashing Without Using Force Stop:

If an app keeps crashing, you can try a few troubleshooting steps; there are a few troubleshooting steps you can try before resorting to force-stopping it. First, try clearing the app’s cache or data, restarting your device, or updating the app.

If none of these solutions works, you may need to uninstall and reinstall the app to resolve the issue entirely.

before you go gif

Tips for Managing Apps and Improving Device Performance

You can try a few tips to improve device performance and manage your apps more effectively. First, disable or uninstall any apps.

  • Another reason you should force stop an app is if it’s misbehaving or freezing up. For instance, force-stopping the app can help clear up the issue if you’re playing a game that suddenly stops responding.
  • If you’re experiencing battery drain or performance issues, force-stopping certain apps can help improve battery life and speed up your device. This is because some apps continue to run in the background even when you’re not actively using them, which can drain your battery and slow down your device.
  • In some cases, force-stopping an app might be necessary to uninstall or update it. For example, if you’re trying to uninstall an app but it’s still running in the background, force-stopping it can allow you to uninstall it completely.


Overall, force-stopping an app can be a helpful tool for managing your device and troubleshooting issues. However, using it judiciously and only when necessary is necessary, as force-stopping certain apps can have unintended consequences.

So that’s it for today’s article; I have shown you what it is. And what it means when you force an application on any Android smartphone. Also, I have shared everything you need to know about it and how to troubleshoot without force stopping and force-stopping an app.

I hope you found the article useful or helpful If you have any queries about this topic, you can let me know the comments, and I Guarantee that I will reply within the next 24 hours of commenting.

Kunal Kashyap, the tech guru behind FixItKunal.com, simplifies complex tech issues with clear and user-friendly guides. With expertise in Android, iOS, and more, his tutorials empower users to tackle tech problems confidently. Kunal's engaging style makes technology accessible to both beginners and experts. Beyond tech, he explores psychology and keeps up with tech and business trends awarded by the Government and Namita Thapar.

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