How to Fix App Restarting When Minimized to Background (easy)

Have you ever been in the middle of something crucial on your phone, only to have the app unexpectedly close and reopen when you switch away from it? Imagine this: you’re logging into an important account, entering a one-time password (OTP), or managing sensitive information, and suddenly—poof—the app disappears. It’s not just annoying; it’s downright frustrating and can throw your entire workflow into chaos.

This is exactly why this issue happens and how you can fix it.

This is the ULTIMATE blog post about preventing apps from closing in the background, or while using another app. Let‘s get started.

How I Fixed This Issue Quickly; Stop Android From Stopping Background Apps

In this article, we’ll explore the common causes of apps restarting when minimized and provide practical solutions to help you resolve this problem.

Fix 1. Adjust Battery Optimization Settings for Specific Apps

One of the first things I tried was adjusting the battery optimization settings for specific apps. I found that battery optimization can be too aggressive, limiting the functionality of apps when they’re not in focus. By disabling optimization for my crucial apps, I was able to ensure they weren’t automatically closed to save power.

screenshot of youtube app with battery restriction and optimized
screenshot of unrestricted of youtube for battery

To do this, I went to Settings > Battery > Battery Optimization, located the apps that needed to stay active (like my VPN and password manager), and set them to “Don’t optimize.”

screenshot of battery optimization settings for any app cropped menu

I remember reading a post from Reddit user u/jack72, who shared that disabling battery optimization for frequently killed apps stopped the background shutdowns, particularly for VPNs and messaging apps. This insight gave me the confidence to try this solution, and it worked like a charm.

Fix 2. Disable “Adaptive Battery” and Power Saving Modes

Another step I took was disabling “Adaptive Battery” and power-saving modes. I learned that these features can force-stop apps that aren’t used frequently, which was causing problems for my essential apps.

screenshot of battery protection turned on

To disable Adaptive Battery, I went to Settings > Battery > Adaptive Battery and turned it off. I also made sure to disable any other power-saving modes that might restrict background activities.

I came across a post from Chrono102 on the OnePlus forum, who mentioned that disabling Adaptive Battery allowed their password manager to keep running, avoiding the constant app restarts when switching between apps. This insight reinforced my decision to disable these battery optimization features for my crucial apps.

Fix 3. Turn Off “Don’t Keep Activities” in Developer Options

One of the most effective solutions I discovered was turning off the “Don’t Keep Activities” setting in Developer Options. This setting closes activities as soon as the app loses focus, which was causing my VPN to disconnect whenever I switched to another app.

screenshot of do not keep activities

To access Developer Options, I went to Settings > About Phone > Tapped Build Number seven times to unlock Developer Options. Then, I navigated to Developer Options, found “Don’t keep activities,” and disabled it.

I stumbled upon a comment from Reddit and Quora user u/TechFixer89, who highlighted that turning off “Don’t Keep Activities” allowed apps like VPNs to maintain their connection even when minimized. This insight was a game-changer for me, as it solved the issue of my VPN constantly disconnecting.

Fix 4. Lock Apps in the Recent Apps Overview

Another method I found effective was locking apps in the Recent Apps menu. This prevents them from being killed by Android’s memory management system, ensuring they stay in memory and continue running even when I’m not actively using them.

screenshot of samsung background or recent apps menu
screenshot of locked recent apps

To lock an app, I open the Recent Apps screen, find the app I want to keep running, and tap on the app icon or menu. Then, I select “Lock” or “Pin” to keep the app in memory.

I recall seeing a post from Reddit user u/LockedInPro, who shared their success with this method. They mentioned that pinning essential apps like VPNs and password managers prevented them from closing while multitasking. This insight gave me the idea to try app pinning, and it has worked wonders for keeping my crucial apps running in the background.

Fix 5. Disable Background Data Restrictions

I discovered that restricting background data can cause apps to be forcefully closed or lose their active state. This was particularly problematic for my VPN, which needs to maintain a constant connection.

screenshot of turbo vpn in background
screenshot of turbo vpn allow background data usage

To disable background data restrictions for a specific app, I go to Settings > Apps > Select the app > Mobile Data & Wi-Fi > Disable Background Data Restrictions.

screenshot of application data usage for turbo vpn

I remember reading a post from GeofferyK on the OnePlus forum, who mentioned that lifting background data restrictions stopped their VPN from disconnecting every time the screen turned off. This insight helped me realize the importance of allowing background data usage for apps that need to stay connected.

Fix 6. Use a Third-Party App to Keep Apps Alive

When the built-in Android settings weren’t enough, I turned to third-party apps like “Greenify” to help control which apps are put to sleep and which are kept running. These apps provide better control over Android’s memory management, allowing me to whitelist important apps and ensure they stay active in the background.

To use a third-party app, I installed Greenify from the Play Store and configured it to allow my important apps to stay active.

I stumbled upon a comment from Reddit user u/AppKeeperPro, who found success with Greenify in whitelisting apps that shouldn’t be put to sleep, allowing VPN and banking apps to run seamlessly in the background. This insight gave me the confidence to try Greenify, and it has been a reliable solution for keeping my essential apps running.

Fix 7. Minimize the Use of Resource-Intensive Apps Simultaneously

I realized that running too many demanding apps simultaneously (like browsers with many tabs) can max out system memory, prompting Android to kill background apps. To mitigate this issue, I started managing my running apps more carefully and closing unused or resource-intensive tasks.

screenshot of recent app in the background

Whenever I notice my essential apps getting killed in the background, I make sure to close unused apps, tabs, or services that are heavy on memory. I also regularly check system usage to identify and close memory hogs.

I came across a post from user T M 2278 on a Google Support forum, who explained that the issue intensified when running Linux VMs and other memory-heavy applications. They suggested that careful management of running tasks significantly reduced app shutdowns. This insight helped me understand the importance of managing my device’s resources to keep essential apps running.

Fix 8. Reboot Your Device Regularly

Lastly, I’ve found that regular reboots help clear temporary files and refresh the system’s memory, preventing apps from being killed due to accumulated background processes. Whenever I experience issues with apps being force-closed, I make sure to restart my device, especially after heavy use or when apps start misbehaving.


In conclusion, by applying these proven methods, I’ve significantly improved app performance, prevented auto-closures, and enhanced my overall user experience on Android devices. Whether it’s adjusting battery optimization settings, disabling background restrictions, or using third-party apps to manage background processes, these solutions have helped me ensure that my important apps stay active even when multitasking.

12 Reasons Why My Android Apps Keep Closing: A Personal Experience

  1. Low RAM Availability: I’ve noticed that when my device’s RAM is nearly full, the system starts closing background apps to free up memory for the active app, which can be frustrating when I’m trying to multitask.
  2. Aggressive Memory Management: I’ve encountered instances where Android’s memory management system aggressively closes background apps to prioritize foreground tasks or improve performance, even when I feel there’s enough memory available.
  3. Background App Restrictions: On some of my devices with certain Android versions or manufacturer skins, I’ve found settings that restrict apps from running in the background to save battery life, which can lead to apps closing unexpectedly.
  4. System Optimization and Cleaners: I once used a system optimization app that claimed to free up resources and improve performance, but it ended up closing background apps I needed, causing more inconvenience than benefit.
  5. Application Bugs or Errors: I’ve encountered apps with bugs or errors that cause them to crash or close unexpectedly when they lose focus, which can be frustrating when I’m in the middle of using them.
  6. Operating System Updates: After updating my device’s Android version, I’ve sometimes noticed changes in how background apps are managed, or new bugs that affect app behavior, leading to unexpected closures.
  7. Incompatibility Issues: I once had an app that worked perfectly on my old device but started closing repeatedly after I upgraded to a new phone with a different Android version, likely due to compatibility issues.
  8. Resource-Intensive Apps: When I use apps that demand a lot of system resources, like high-end games or video editing tools, I’ve noticed that the system may close other apps to prioritize resource allocation for the demanding app.
  9. Device Overheating: During long gaming sessions or when using my device extensively in hot environments, I’ve experienced my phone closing apps to reduce the workload and cool down, which can be annoying but is necessary to prevent damage.
  10. Battery Saver Modes: While battery saver modes can be useful for extending my device’s battery life, I’ve found that they can also limit background activity and close apps, which may not be ideal when I need those apps to stay running.
  11. App Permissions: I once had a fitness tracking app that kept closing because I hadn’t granted it the necessary permissions to access my location and run in the background, which taught me the importance of checking app permissions when troubleshooting.


App restarts can be a frustrating issue, but by understanding the common causes and following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article, you can often resolve the problem. If you continue to experience issues, don’t hesitate to report them to the app developer and advocate for better app stability.

This is all for today. Today, I tried showing you all the ways to fix apps that keep stopping while switching to another app or during multitasking. Moreover, I included all the screenshots, making it easier for you to follow along.

I hope you found the information helpful. If you did, please let me know in the comments section. If you’re still facing any related issues, feel free to contact us from here.

Kunal Kashyap, the tech guru behind, simplifies complex tech issues with clear and user-friendly guides. With expertise in Android, iOS, and more, his tutorials empower users to tackle tech problems confidently. Kunal's engaging style makes technology accessible to both beginners and experts. Beyond tech, he explores psychology and keeps up with tech and business trends awarded by the Government and Namita Thapar.

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