How to Fix White Spots on any Phone Screen

So here is how you can fix the white spots on your Android phone or iOS phone screen Sophia recently did something with the screen replacement, and you have started noticing some small white dots on your screen it would be anywhere on the screen so why is it happening to you and how you can fix it instantly This article is all about that.

Why there are White Spots on my Phone Screen?

white spots on all phones screen attached 09

After personally visiting a nearby techno service center, I discovered that this problem is often related to the screen replacement you’ve undergone. When you had your phone repaired, the technician may have tightened some screws excessively, causing them to affect the screen. To rectify this issue, you’ll need to address it from within the smartphone itself, rather than making adjustments in the settings.

If you’re dealing with issues like unresponsive touch or ghost taps, those can typically be resolved through settings. However, for permanent white spots on the screen, here’s how to tackle the problem.

How To Fix White Spots On The Phone Screen

To resolve the white dots on your mobile screen, you should either visit a nearby service center or use a specialized screwdriver designed for mobile phones to remove a panel from the back of your smartphone.

white spot highlighted in hands

Once you open your smartphone, you will notice various components, including integrated circuits (ICs), motherboards, and other hardware. You need to unscrew the screw located behind the white spot. If the white dot is in the center of the screen, there may be a screw in the central area that is causing the issue. You can either adjust, reposition or remove this screw, as demonstrated in the screenshot below.

loosen the screw from phones backside

In some cases, when a service center technician tightens the screw excessively, it can adversely affect the screen. White spots may also be caused by foreign objects, such as dust or debris, pressing on the screen from the back. To rectify this, you must completely detach and reattach the screen. If you lack the necessary expertise, it’s advisable to seek assistance from a nearby service center.

unscrewing a screw to fix white spots

In certain instances, service center professionals are well-equipped to address such issues, as they possess the requisite knowledge and experience. However, if you have little to no knowledge about smartphone repair, it’s crucial to consult a service center before attempting any DIY activities. Otherwise, you could inadvertently damage your smartphone screen irreparably. In some extreme cases, people attempting amateur fixes might cause severe harm to their smartphones.

white spot removed from devicescreen
when i searched for screen repair screenshot

Summarizing How to Fix Smartphones White Spots

Here is a summary of the steps involved in fixing white spots on a mobile screen, according to the passage:

  1. Visit a service center or use a specialized screwdriver for mobile phones to access the back panel of your smartphone.
  2. Inside your smartphone, you will find various components, such as ICs, motherboards, and hardware. Locate the screw behind the white spot and unscrew it.
  3. If the white colored dots are in the center of the screen, check for a screw in that area causing the problem. You can adjust, reposition, or remove the screw.
  4. Excessive tightening of screws by service center technicians can harm the screen. White spots may also result from foreign objects pressing on the screen from the back.
  5. For complex issues, detach and reattach the screen. If you lack expertise, consult a service center. Attempting DIY repairs without knowledge can lead to permanent damage to your smartphone.

It is important to note that fixing white dots or spots on a mobile screen can be a complex and delicate task. If you are not comfortable performing the repair yourself, it is best to take your phone to a qualified service center.

How Dangerous Can White Spots on Smartphone Screens

Based on the pictures you’ve shared, it seems like there’s some pressure or object at the back of your LCD screen, causing that weird distortion. The good news is, it might resolve itself over time, and I don’t think it’s likely to spread to the rest of the screen. If you’re thinking about fixing it, you’d have to crack open the device and remove whatever’s pressing against the screen. However, be warned that there’s a chance you might end up causing more harm than good, especially since this seems like a relatively minor issue for now.


So we talk about the conclusion of this post. Generally, white spots on mobile screens can be caused by a variety of reasons. It could include foreign objects pressing on the screen from the back or physical damage or excessive tightening of screws

If you someday spot some white spots on your mobile, it is important to identify the cause of the problem before attempting to fix it.

If the white spots on your screen are caused by physical damage such as a crack or a damaged screen, you will need to replace the entire screen. If the white spots are caused by the foreign object pressing on the screen from the back, you can try to remove the object or loosen the pressure.  If the white spots are caused by excessive writing of this close, you can try to loosen the screws.

However, if you are not comfortable performing the repair yourself, or if the problem is complex, it is best to take your phone to a qualified service center. Attempting DIY repairs without knowledge can lead to permanent damage to your smartphone.

Here are some additional tips for preventing white spots on your mobile screen:

  • Avoid dropping your phone or bumping it against hard surfaces.
  • Use a screen protector to protect your screen from scratches and other damage.
  • Avoid using excessive pressure when tapping or swiping on the screen.
  • Be careful not to overtighten the screws when accessing the back panel of your phone.

If you follow these tips, you can help to keep your mobile screen free of white spots and other damage. 

Kunal Kashyap, the tech guru behind, simplifies complex tech issues with clear and user-friendly guides. With expertise in Android, iOS, and more, his tutorials empower users to tackle tech problems confidently. Kunal's engaging style makes technology accessible to both beginners and experts. Beyond tech, he explores psychology and keeps up with tech and business trends awarded by the Government and Namita Thapar.

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